Hi this is just a brief up date opon the new content i will be hoping to make and upload
First of I'd just like to say i will be doing more music soon...(hopfully)but i'm thinking of doing some art also however before i can do any of the ideas i have thought of i need to find a good source on which i can draw and upload with ease. i also need a new source for my music for the source I’m using is starting to limit my creativity and on top of all of that i have a college to attend sooooo on the hole bear with me! and i will get some new stuff for people to enjoy soon...Bye!
you need to try alll the things! so you know what you love doing and stuff and tbh doing new things inspires you to push yourself in what you already know, also good luck with college coco :>
Thanks for the feedback like I said before bear with me!